Let’s give your Oreos some Christmas spirit for the holiday season! 🎄❤️ Brittanie (IG: @abbiecakesco) shows us how she took some regular Oreos, dipped them in chocolate, and made some pink chocolate Christmas trees with our Miracle Transfer Sheets to embellish them.
1. She dipped her Oreos, per the norm. If you're not already familiar with dipped Oreos (also known as chocolate-covered Oreos), pour some melted chocolate into a mold, place Oreos into the melted chocolate, then add some more melted chocolate on top of the Oreos. Place them in the fridge until they set, which can take about 20-30 minutes.
2. She used her edible ink printer to print her designs onto a Miracle Transfer Sheet. Poured melted chocolate (candy melts) onto the printed side, and evenly spread the chocolate across the print evenly using a palette knife.
Note: She maximized her sheet by putting 5 patterns onto one print, instead of printing one sheet per pattern, so she could get the most variations possible out of that one print. She used Pages (similar to Word) on her Mac to do this but you can also use Canva like she also does to create designs.

3. She let the chocolate chill for about 5 minutes. Once it set, she peeled the sheet away, carefully dipped a tree-shaped cutter into hot water and the heated cutter easily went through the chocolate as she pressed down with minimal effort. (A kitchen glove may be good for this as you hold the hot cutter.)

5. Added her chocolate trees to her dipped Oreos while securing each tree with some melted chocolate underneath each of them. Sprayed some edible glitter for some shine, then drizzled and sprinkled to her liking. There you have it! ✨