We at paper2eat strive to provide the best shopping experience for our awesome customers looking to get high-quality cake decorating products. The time came for us to make some much needed improvements to the look and feel of our online shop and give our valued customers a more pleasant and seamless experience.
Buying supplies from your favorite cake decorating product supplier shouldn't look boring. We wanted to make everything easy on the eyes and give everyone who comes to our website a better and smoother browsing experience. We want you to be able to find all the information you need with just a few clicks, and in order to improve the usability of the website and the browsing experience, we've redesigned absolutely everything and added important additional sections to make your experience that much more pleasant.
As you know, we carry edible ink cartridges for several Canon inkjet printers, and we've now made it easier for everyone to find the correct cartridges for their respective Canon printers with Find my Inks; it's exactly what it sounds like. By simply typing in your printer model (or cartridge type) OR by selecting your printer series / model from a drop-down, we'll take you right to the correct cartridges for the Canon inkjet printer you own.
We ALWAYS want to know what you think. You can now leave reviews on your favorite products and add your own pictures to those reviews so people can see the cool things you've been up to. (Feature coming soon!)

Sometimes it just so happens that everyone gets to a product before you've had the chance to get your hands on it. It happens. Just because something is out of stock doesn't mean you should have to endlessly come back to check if it's back in stock. You now have the option of being notified in your email when a product is back in stock and available for you to purchase :)

We've added an inspiration page in which we collected some ideas from some really talented creators on social media who use our products. Hopefully you'll find a few creations that click with you and get your creative juices flowing.
There are a lot more additional tiny details all around the site to help make you feel at home. You might have to click around and browse to find out what they are :) We hope you enjoy your new shopping experience as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you. Definitely feel free to send us your feedback as it helps us further improve our services and better our relationship with you.
Sweet & colorful regards,
Your paper2eat team