paper2eat has partnered with to make shopping with us more convenient and affordable for our international customers. membership offers strong discounted international shipping rates to more than 225 countries offering you the best delivery services to choose from such as DHL, FedEx and UPS. They will provide you with a US street address which you can use for your orders with us. They receive packages on your behalf, prepare customs paperwork and then ship your order to your country.
Click on this logo to sign up for a MyUs account (you will remain on our website and can use your MyUs address immediately for your orders with us!).
If you choose to use MyUS to forward your order outside of the continental United States, Alaska, or Hawaii, then we consider their U.S. address to be the destination for your order. Once your order safely reaches warehouses in Florida, they take responsibility for loss or damage to your order when shipping it internationally. We recommend that you review their insurance options for international shipments before you place your order.
To see an estimate of shipping charges to your country using MyUs just go to their website and click the tab "Services & Rates". Provide the information requested and click "show comparison"
To make sure you comply with customs regulations in your country we recommend you to take a look at the list of prohibited items for different countries on the website or ask a myus representative. Restrictions may apply to your country.
If you sign up with you agree to the terms and conditions, terms of use and privacy policy of MyUS. paper2eat is not responsible for any events that may arise of the use of MyUS services, the use of their website or the submission of personal information to MyUS. paper2eat acts as an intermediary only to help international buyers to get fast and affordable international shipping services. With signing up to MyUS through our website you agree to these conditions.